~Welding Safety~

Applications for products in this catalog must be approved by qualified
engineering personnel and installation performed by experienced
hydraulic technicians.

Be sure to observe the following:

*Mating surfaces must be clean and free of burrs and nicks.
*Threads must be clean, undamaged and lightly oiled.
*Lubricate O-ring (SAE straight thread fitting) with system fluid prior to installation.
*Where split flanges are used, torque bolts evenly to specs (SAE
*Maximum working pressure must be per SAE 100R2, J518c,
and/or J1065 as applicable.

All welding should be performed by certified welders observing the following:

*Never bottom the pipe or fitting in the weld socket. Leave ap-
proximately 1/16-inch space to avoid shrinkage stress on the weld
*Weld fillet must be a minimum of 1.25 times the wall thickness of
the pipe or tube (never less than 3/16.)
*Maximum deposition should be 1/8 inch per pass.
*Use low hydrogen (7018) rod with moisture-resistant coating.
*Protect threads and 0-ring surfaces from weld spatter.